Mining. Premium solutions to your bearing needs.
In Australia, the mining industry is a significant primary sector and contributor to the economy, and an area of employment opportunity across the country, particularly the Super Pit gold mine in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, and the Olympic Dam in South Australia, which are currently Australia’s two major active mines. The main minerals and resources mined in Australia include; iron ore, coal, nickel, aluminium, gold, silver, copper, uranium, opal, zinc, oil shale, petroleum, silica, natural gas, and diamond. Many of these raw materials are exported overseas to be processed into refined products, whilst some processed in Australia into cement, base metal smelting and refining, or iron and steel.
The Australian mining industry furthermore has a growing global reputation as a leading developer of technology and operations. Mineral analysis and logging technology is being continually and rapidly developed in order to provide further knowledge on ore-bodies and reduce costs and delays through near real-time analysis. The exportation of such technologies further contributes to the profitability and importance of mining within the economy.